Monday 15 October 2007

October's new words

Naomi is now well into asking what things are. We hear "dat" - 'what' - a lot, whilst things are proffered to be named. And "there" has developed into "here" as well, so we no longer have to be watching when we ask her to find something.

But the most recent development is "wee" lol. She's been following me to the toilet for months but today I put her down so that I could go to the bathroom and so said "Mummy needs a wee". Cue her going into the bathroom ahead of me going "wee, wee, wee".

Shame it doesn't extend to her sitting on the potty lol. We aren't trying in any way to do potty training yet but she always wees about 30 seconds after coming out of the bath. So it would be good if we could get her to sit on then. Both to save the carpet (!) and to show her what the potty is for. But all attempts so far have failed! She will sit on it for ages fully clothed if SHE chooses to.

Just in case anyone is still reading lol, here is a new picture.