Wednesday, 1 July 2009

So Many Changes

I haven't blogged for 3 months - oops! And so much has changed. Emma is now 10 months old and it is as if she was never not here.

Eating-wise she just eats everything we do. She cut her two bottom front teeth around the 9 month mark and these have helped but she was doing just dandy without them to be honest. I can't think of a single thing she doesn't like yet - phew, another child who isn't overly fussy. I really feel for those whose children eat a narrow range of things because I know I just wouldn't have the patience. It is still death to anyone who gets between her and an avocado!

We even risked it and took a foreign holiday. Luke & Naomi SO loved Ibiza last year that we went to Menorca and had a fabulous week weather and food wise. The older two, somewhat annoyingly but maybe predictably, turned their noses up at most tapas but Emma just kept opening her mouth for more. A big favourite was some stuffed aubergine. Not sure what was in it but it looked a bit like the baba ganoush from the Middle East. All soft and ever so gently spicy. I was really looking forward to it but barely got a look in once gannet features had had her first mouthful !!!!!

We are still mostly spoon-feeding, she just hasn't taken to BLW like Naomi did. But she is so ready for food that that's OK. She manages lunch herself, sandwiches, mini-quiches and the like. And last night we had BBQ chicken, veg and potatoes so we cut those up into finger pieces and that was fine too. It is just SO lovely to all sit around the table as a family and know that we are planning on doing this for years to come.

I'm ecstatic that I'm still breastfeeding alongside the solids. Even though she has teeth it is still going swimmingly and the goal of a whole year is most definitely in sight woohoo! The downside is that she still won't really drink from a sippy/spouted cup of any kind. In this ridiculously (but nice!) hot weather that means I can't give her a drink for the car seat or the pushchair and that concerns me a bit that she can't just help herself like her siblings did at this age. But it is a small price to pay. In no other way is breastfeeding at all inconvenient - especially with no night feeding and sleeping through no yahoo!