There have been many developments the last couple of months. She now has 4 teeth - 2 top, 2 bottom - which are really helping her eating. There is nothing she won't try, nothing she won't eat, although she is still very forceful at saying she has had enough! After weeks of messing about she has suddenly taking to eating food off a fork with admirable skill once it has been loaded for her and she is trying the same with her spoon.

2 weekends ago she started crawling yahoo! She is SO much happier; she was getting very frustrated at going nowhere or backwards, further and further away from where she was trying to get. So this is a great advancement. There are also signs of beginning to pull up on furniture. I think I can bet on her being the latest of mine to eventually walk - the other 2 were confident standers by now and Luke only 2 weeks off actually walking - but I don't think it is going to take as long as I thought it might.
I also wanted to record her words. She says hiya and yeah, sometimes in context and sometimes not. Naomi gets very frustrated when she asks and asks a question and Emma just doesn't respond! She likes the "p" sound - we have up and pop (when doing up her nappy wrap poppers) - and also the "k" sound - book and milk. She hasn't picked up signing like the other 2 did but I can tell that her understanding is just as good, she's just lazy lol.
Happy Birthday darling girl.