Friday 31 August 2007

new food and new words

Luke and I were out at the Science Museum so DH did all the meals. We came home to meatballs and pasta. I have NEVER seen Naomi eat a meal SO fast. Especially one made out of mince. And, finally!, pasta spirals were going in by the handful. Lol! One very happy happy mum. We use a Nigella recipe where you don't have the fry the meatballs, its lovely.

And Naomi said 'bib' to her dad today. As clear as a bell apparently which is interesting as she often drops the first syllable of a word. This morning's 'toast' was much clearer than usual too. Although 'cheese' still often sounds like 'trees'.

Think I will start recording her other words on here for posterity too. She was 15 months this week and can say cup, car, cheese, trees, toast, bib, cat, bus, teeth, daddy, milk, book, Jess (toy cat's name), snake.

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