Tuesday 15 June 2010

Proper Grown-up Girl

Emma is now 22 months old and no longer my baby. She has a very advanced vocabulary and often therefore appears older than she actually is. People talk to her expecting her to talk back and she often does! We have mostly 2-3 word sentences but sometimes more and she likes to recite nursery rhymes - after a fashion at least.

Baa baa sheep
Yes sir
One Dame
Little boy..... lannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne.


I love it when she comes up and initiates conversation. She loves to ask "what's that" and ask for "this one" to be explained. She is all too clear about demanding "read it" and has her favourite books. "Duck in the Truck" is much loved as is "The Rat-A-Tat Hat Book". "That's Not My ..." are still firm favourites too. She also adores Charlie & Lola because of her big sister.

She loves to chat and to sing and to just give you a running commentary on her life. She's super cute and super ditsy and we love her to bits. She likes to know that we are all where we should be and will look around the dinner table going "mummy's home", "daddy's home" etc. If her big brother is on a tea date she'll look at his chair in a very puzzled way!

Zebra is still her favourite toy but she now has a small doll to go alongside. Baby is allowed out of the house because I can replace her. Toys R Us no longer do their purple & white zebras and I had such a job when I lost the original that I don't dare put him at risk again!

She still sleeps well and eats well and is generally super chilled and laid back. I am very blessed.

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