Tuesday 10 February 2009

Is she really ready?

Having done one child (my son) the traditional puree way and another (my first daughter) the BLW way, I thought I would see what Emma thought of pureed veg. We had some left over from Sunday night so I let it down with some breastmilk and warmed it through.

Once again she was very eager and seemed to love the taste. There was lots of smiling and gabbling. But most of it came out again. I'm not sure if this means she's not totally lost her tongue reflex yet or it was simply that she was trying to lap it to the back of her mouth like she would if she were taking milk from the breast. We had tried her on a bottle of expressed breastmilk on Sunday night which was a complete and utter failure all round. Again that would be a totally alien type of sucking to that which she is used to.

I'll give the puree another go, as I have a bit left, and see what she thinks. I'm quite happy to go slowly to start with. But a spoon will be useful for giving her our meals whizzed/mashed up. I know that isn't strictly BLW but I am excited by the thought of just being able to feed her whatever we are having. Naomi loved that.

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