She is also drinking water well from her doidy cup. The first of my 3 children to take to water straight away. Strange but welcome, I really shouldn't complain!
She has had lots of new tastes as well. She is nearly 6 months so we decided, as we aren't a family with allergies, to start giving her the things you are supposed to wait on. So she's had bread and cheese and roast chicken. Bread is absolutely adored and I crumbled half a slice into some tomato and basil soup which made that go down a real treat as well. Like the other 2 she is really liking jacket potatoes and you can mix anything into those woohoo.
So we are now on 2 meals a day and she is down to the one night waking!!!!!!!! She also has fewer short breastfeeds, preferring to have a good long one halfway between her mealtime

She even had a good go at some apricot halves. They are slippery because they are out of a tin but she can extract all the goodness and even deal with the stringy bits that get left. An apple wedge didn't go down half as well.....
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