Haven't blogged for a while but life is SO hectic with 3 children.
Emma was doing really well with her food. I think chilli is the only thing she really wasn't fond of and we were just on the verge of introducing breakfast when she got really grumpy and grizzly and off all food except cold, smooth stuff. After a couple of terrible nights and a really miserable girl, a trip to the docs has revealed a throat infection. So she's on antibiotics and I've just taken her off food altogether. No point her trying to swallow with a red, raw throat. Still, she loves her booby milk so that's OK. And it comforts her so much I'm just glad to be able to do it.
As we are mostly spoon feeding I have decided that, as with ds, there is no harm in having the odd jar of something in the cupboard for when I'm in a hurry or when I want to go out and am a bit concerned about what I would feed her. Things have moved on in 6 years though, unsurprisingly!, so our emergency stocks are now Ella's Organic pouches. Emma loves the carrot, apple & parsnip and the one with sweet potato in - she has a real prediliction for all things orange lol.
I had a whole week of them for lunches when DH was working obscenely long hours recently and I was trying to manage all 3 children their entire waking hours for a fortnight. So easy. But I don't want to fall into that trap either. So to celebrate his return to normal we went to Pizza Express and Emma happily munched her way through half of my lasagne - good girl!
We've now given her both pasta and rice and she has taken to them much more easily than Naomi. She loves spaghetti and also daddy's home-made macaroni cheese. I've yet to try her on an omelette but might do that at the weekend.
I've realised that as a family, at the moment, we aren't eating an enormous amount of veg on the side of the meal. We do lots of carrot, onion, peppers in our bolognaise, casserole or chilli, and of course, we roast lots on a Sunday with whatever meat we are cooking. But I need to get us back into the habit of having peas, beans, corn, broccoli etc., to boost all of our health. So far, touch wood, I have avoided the flu I usually get if I'm not pregnant at this time of year. Not sure how but am not desperate to find out!