Wednesday 11 July 2007

lots of firsts

Naomi is getting slightly more adventurous with her food wahoo! Especially, dare I say it, fruit. Just before we went away she had started to accept blueberries and she will now, when the mood takes her, eat cherries and grapes. It started because Luke and I had them in our breakfast and she has started to demand whatever we have. So I passed her one expecting absolutely nothing and she ate it! And more!

Some days she will still take or leave everything though and I can't even rely on her eating strawberries every time now when she used to love them. Ah well, the joys of being 13 months.

This demanding what we are eating can be a bit difficult though. Yesterday we both had ham sandwiches but mine was apparently still different! I think she wants her sandwich just cut into quarters rather than tiny squares so we are compromising with long strips at the moment, otherwise she just pulls the whole thing apart.

While on holiday we relaxed a bit and so here are some piccies of Naomi 'enjoying' ice-cream and crisps for the first - and last for quite some time - time lol.

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