Sunday, 15 July 2007

weekend away

Our friends were married for 15 years this week and its been tough the last few for one reason or another so they decided to have a rededication ceremony. So we've been socialising!

They cooked dinner for us on Friday night but with various family from all over the country to wait for the timings were all out. So Naomi ate two and a half, yes TWO AND A HALF, of her pies followed by some fruit pot. Hungry girl! Cleaned us out now so I must make some more pronto as they are such a standby.

Friday night was vile as she is teething and so was up most of the night on and off. I think her biggest stretch of sleep was a shade under 4hrs. And so she was in bed with us and not in the cot in the hotel room. Double, triple yuck yuck yuck. Fortunately Luke didn't stir, phew.

The rest of the weekend was pretty normal - buffet lunches and fish fingers. Dipping her fingers in champagne & beer lol. And today DH made a lovely yummy chicken pie with carrot, courgette and broccoli. Not much remained at the end so hopefully she'll go through like she did last night and catch up on herself.

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