Thursday 12 July 2007

peas peas and more peas

I think Naomi is going to be good for my diet! Last night DH was doing quiche for us and he forgot to put her mini one in the oven too. So we just decided to give her some of the bacon & leek one we were having. Must get round to making my own but Mr Tesco isn't bad ha ha. So a quiche that usually does 2 adults and 1 child now had to do 4 people. Won't help if I then eat loads of muffins though lol.

At breakfast times I've gone back to giving her some milk in a bottle. She just drinks more that way than milk or water out of a cup and I was a bit worried that she wasn't taking in enough. Didn't seem to affect the amount of Weetabix she wanted so all well and good. And then she goes until her lunch at 12 generally although I do carry a small snack and her water cup with me when we go out.

So this evening Luke asked for fish & chips so DH did salmon fillets and home made wedges. I had chicken as I detest fish. We had salad and she had veg but we all had peas and she was just shoving them in. She does this really funny action that I can't quite describe but is kind of picking them up in a pincer grip but then putting three fingers in with the pea in a very short staccato action. And she was doing a pea a second just like that. It is hilarious to watch and good too since the peas are very good for her!

She's still a titch though. 50th centile for height and weight although when I look back Luke wasn't much above the 50th centile for height approaching the end of his first year and I didn't start plotting it regularly until he was about 1.75 yo and then he was firmly 75th centile for a good year after that before working his way up to the 91st where he is now. So there is plenty of time really. I'd just like her to have some of the height genes in the family. DH & I both have tiny sisters although my brother is exceedingly tall. I think its because now she is standing up and virtually walking people keep saying to me 'isn't she diddy to be on her feet' so I'm getting paranoid lol.

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