Saturday 17 February 2007

back to normal thank goodness!

Haven't posted for a few days because Naomi's cold has put her right off her food. But during the last two days we really seem to have turned a corner. No more vomit for a start! She had gone really downhill after my last post, I was running out of clean clothes again :-(

I've really seen the benefits of BLW this week as we've been out twice over lunch time and I've been able to order a sandwich for Luke & Naomi to share. Wednesday it was ham and today it was cheese. Makes life so much more simple. She's still wary of any fruit that isn't a banana but will happily eat a fruit pot off a spoon, contrary madam, and they are very easy to carry around.

This evening she had salmon for the first time. We're not sure she totally liked it, its stronger than the cod she has been having. But it went it and stayed in, mostly. Although she has developed a habit of putting something in her mouth, or allowing you to put it in, and then immediately taking it straight out to have a look at it before having another go. Its priceless if annoying! At least less is going on the floor lately which is another bonus.

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