Monday 9 April 2007

first teeth clean

Yes, I know, loosely related to food! But there are things going on in Naomi's life besides what she eats that I just want to keep a record of. So, tonight, we cleaned her little solitary tooth for the first time! She cut it on the 18th March but its taken time to really come through the gum enough to have a tooth brush used on it.

We had chicken kebabs cooked on the bbq tonight, yum yum. With new potatoes - the first of the season, broccoli, carrot and cabbage. Unfortunately she just sucked on the cabbage really without doing much with it. But ds gobbled it down without a murmur, yahey! He and DH had been mowing the lawn & doing other pottering so he was very hungry, but even so.

Had our first ever food refusal at dinner. DH had put green & red pepper between the chicken on the kebabs so decided to give Naomi a piece of the red, as it should have been sweeter. Well you'd think she'd been poisoned. We had angry protests not short of tears and much coughing. Maybe NOT so sweet after all! And I don't really mind since we're not likely to be giving her lots of it just at the moment. But she's eaten everything, and I mean everything, so far so it was just a bit of a surprise. And she became quite wary for a bit afterwards, insisting on having the food on her fork so she could truly inspect it.

1 comment:

Em said...

Still no teeth for billy but not looking forward to having to clean teeth.

Lucky you that been her only refusal - lol