Sunday 29 April 2007

liver ..... yum yum

Well it will soon be Naomi's Nanny's 'big' birthday, and also her Grandad's birthday, and so we went out for a pub lunch to celebrate with the rest of the family. Lovely pub with great food but the highchairs had no tray. Not usually a problem for BLW except that the food on the menu wasn't exactly Naomi friendly and she was asleep when we ordered but awake before it came (typical) and so she was sharing our plates rather than having her own.

But DH had liver, bacon & mash and she was wolfing her share. We cooked liver for her some time ago at home but we obviously didn't do it well enough as she refused it then. AND this was going in off a fork! It was the second time we'd tried her on mash and it was still a hit so we'll have to look out what potatoes we can to do it with over the summer.

I had chicken in mushroom sauce which are all flavours she loves but she also accepted RICE! off the fork! Maybe she knew it was a special special day!

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