Thursday 5 April 2007

lots to catch up on

Just realised I haven't posted since Saturday! We've just been busy busy busy.

On Sunday we had that old staple roast chicken so it will be no surprise that she ate it! I love doing a roast, its so easy for her. It also gives me the ingredients for mini pies & mini quiches already done and I needed to do a batch of both for the freezer.

Monday: the kids had fish fingers as we were having the leftover chicken with salad and I thought it might be a bit tough for Naomi cold. It goes a bit chewy, stringy & dry and she's still only got the one tooth.

Tuesday: jacket potatoes & sausages

Wednesday: at Luke's request Daddy made lasagne, yum yum. Absolutely no good for Naomi as she doesn't seem to like mince. So she had a quiche & a pie from the new batch - good job I made them.

And that brings up to date tonight. I made a chicken pie a la Nigella. Meant cooking up some chicken breasts as there wasn't anything left from the weekend's roast. But also meant I could do some bacon at the same time. Simple white sauce, few veg & a pastry top. Voila! And easy enough to put together throughout the day as Naomi was sleeping or otherwise occupied. Not easy to do today as she's been a grumpy so and so. Don't really know why. At least her new swing was a bit hit. Couldn't find the one we bought last summer so had to go out and buy another! Worth it though just to see her smile & hear her giggle.

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