Monday 7 May 2007

bank holiday poorly and so not very interested

Although Naomi has been fine since her tumble she has a viral infection and is back to throwing up her solid food. She hasn't done this for a couple of months so its been a bit of a shock and we thought it might be related to the head bump. fortunately not but it means the weekend has been a bit of a washout regarding food.

We went to our favourite pub on Saturday night and she didn't want any of Dan's beef pie or my chicken. shame, as it was served with a gorgeous cheesy potato gratin which would have gone down a treat.

Sunday was a wash out but today, Monday, has been better. She ate and kept down her lunch (cheese sandwich) and seems to have been OK with the bacon & egg loaf. It's certainly the thing to have gone down with most gusto in the last few days. Fingers crossed that the vomiting has passed. Her milk has been staying down which is the best thing although it has meant a return to night feeding when she doesn't keep her dinner down.