Tuesday 15 May 2007


Another good eating day today AND a full night's sleep last night so spirits are high here despite the rain. Naomi polished off a good bowl of porridge into which I'd mashed half a banana and she then demanded strawberries. There were only a couple left and they were from my birthday breakfast so I'd put them in my bowl. And there she was pointing and 'saying' give me or mine! So I gave in and she had a whale of a time with them. Phewee. Must get some raspberries and see if she'll take to those too. If I can get her to eat soft fruit she'll be 16-17 months by the autumn/ winter and I might have more success with hard fruit at that age.

The rest of the day was quite boring in that she had no new things. Pate & tomato sandwich for lunch and bacon & egg loaf for tea. She insisted on eating the asparagus woody end first. Maybe it was just a great teether!

So we'll keep plugging away at the lesser amount of milk and see. Once I know its going OK we'll switch to cow's milk and see how that goes. Gosh its tough this feeding lark. Wish I could wave a magic wand and have her be 4! Only joking!


Em said...

bacon and egg loaf? do you make that your self?

We are now down to 10oz milk per day at 11months, always offer 7oz bottle when he gets up and at bedtime but very rarely eats them. Can get anymore into him but he will eat loads.

Somedays I make him pancakes with 2 spoons of oats, grated veg, cheese and baking powder then i dont feel i need to worry so much about his 5 a day.

LJH said...

Hi Em, yes I do. I got a recipe from someone on Naomi's birth board. Its really good.

Naomi had 5oz of cow's milk this morning and 8oz of formula at bedtime. With rice cakes & water mid-afternoon. Might add 4oz of cow's then and cut the morning to 4oz and jiggle lunch a bit. She's down to 1 big nap in the day now but its not quite enough across the week iykwim.

Although Luke is only 4 I can't remember when he went down to only the bedtime bottle. SHOULD have written it all down.