Sunday 13 May 2007

birthday day

Hi, this is Naomi herself here (ha ha!) Today is Mummy's birthday so I thought I would post myself.

Its been quite a quiet day food wise. I had porridge, which is normal, but Daddy had bought Mummy some of her favourite blueberries and strawberries and because he chopped them up very very small I agreed to eat them. Normally I won't touch a blueberry at 20 paces and strawberries are better for teething on than actually eating. So there were lots of smiles and I got some toast afterwards too. I'll do anything for bread.

Mummy said I must be teething as I was very hot and very grumpy and so I went straight to bed after church and slept for 2 hours. This means I missed lunch and got a very large bottle of milk instead. This doesn't happen often but I think Mummy was worried I would get dehydrated. It was yummy. I do so love milk! And then I got offered something called 'cake'. I don't normally get this, whatever it is, and so I spat it out. It was carrot cake and Daddy & Luke had made it. But I still didn't want it. Apparently it is my turn for this birthday lark in 2 weeks time so what Mummy is going to do about cake then she says she doesn't know. Lots of people are coming to see me so I think they will have to eat it for themselves!

We went out to Pizza Express for tea as it is Luke's favourite - funny, I thought it was Mummy's birthday? - and Daddy had brought along a couple of my mini pies/quiches. I got a bit of garlic bread too but I know Mummy & Daddy worry about my fruit and veg intake (aren't I a minx!) and so they don't like me having just the pizza. The quiches are VERY yummy anyway so I ate them with great relish and looked around for more. So a whole Summer Pudding fruit pot came my way too! And a big bottle of milk when I got home. So maybe I will be very nice to Mummy & Daddy and carry on sleeping through after my little blip when I wasn't so well last week.

I like this posting for myself lark, might have to do it more often ;-)

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