Friday 11 May 2007

softly softly ducky monkey....

Yes yes I know its supposed to be 'softly softly catchee monkey' but Naomi has decided that instead of speaking words she will do animal sounds instead! And does both a great monkey and a fantastic duck. She can also say something that sounds very like 'duck' but I might just be imagining that. She will do the sounds to order which is just hilarious.

As for food? Well because she was throwing up we've had to go gently. The hospital told us to keep offering the food because as her age she needs the nutrition. But a lot has gone rejected at various times over the last couple of days. And she's back to night waking although she did give us a full night through last night so hopefully it was just a blip. She'd had mini quiches for tea which she absolutely loves. We've also managed to very successfully make the switch to ordinary organic yogurt instead of Petit Filous. Strawberry flavour only at the moment but she's like a gannet with it and today even managed to feed herself a little off the spoon. I've not been well or else there would be a photo of it!

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