And we were out and about at the weekend with friends. So once again I have a big posting gap that I didn't intend. Apologies to our regular readers ;-)
The last couple of days Naomi has got very good at dipping the spoon into things and then getting it straight into her mouth without waving it about. OK so not much food gets on there but if its fruit puree or something similar it does coat the back of the spoon. So the idea is catching on!
Tonight it was in the tomato sauce from our pasta. She had her own sausages, veg & gnocchi and we thought we'd try her on the sauce coz you have to keep plugging away at these things. And, whoopie doo, it went in. Both on the spoon and by hand. In fact she cleared her bowl. So here is my very tomatoey daughter - something I thought I wouldn't be seeing for quite some time to come yet!
She does after all use a fork with great skill. Interestingly, although not in these photos(!), she does seem to be favouring the left hand. Her Daddy is sinister while I am right-handed. But her brother did this also and he is firmly right handed, though handy with his left nonetheless, so we'll have to see.
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