This last week has been really busy! My baby turned 1. Eek! She is a baby no longer but a proper little girl. To be truthful she's been turning into one of those for quite a while now. She has a great sense of humour and now she's on the move she just doesn't look like a baby any more.
We had a big family party and she happily munched her way through the buffet twice! Helped by cutting her two top front teeth. Her other bottom one is nearly here also so she will soon have four and hopefully the food world will then be her oyster.
So here are just a fe

w pictures from the big day. She never seems to like cake so I didn't have the camera handy when we gave her some. Predicatably she wolfed it! It was layers of victoria sandwich with chocolate buttercream and this yummy yummy chocolate icing made from boiling cream and melting in dark chocolate until you like the taste. It then firms up into chocolate fudge in the fridge which you spread over and then put the whole cake back in the fridge if you aren't going to be eating it in the next few hours. I made mine the day before and found that adding some orange juice to the cake mixture stopped it from going claggy.

Naomi is such a carb loader that I think she's going to be a marathon runner like her dad! So here she is enjoying, as ever, some lovely yummy french bread.

She had a wonderful day with lots of lovely presents and attention.
So I leave you with my favourite picture of the day of my gorgeous gorgeous little cutie!
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