Monday 4 June 2007

mixed bits and pieces

Today should be Luke's first day back at school after half term but its an Inset Day. His old preschool are going to Legoland so I decide to go too, along with, or so it feels, the entire county of Berkshire. It is HEAVING.

Because I only decided this morning, not wanting to take the kids if it's going to be too hot, I haven't got any food plans and so eat in the restaurant. This is woefully overpriced and so I try and avoid it wherever possible usually. I pay far too much money for a very sad ploughmans but at least it has bread and cheese that I can give to Naomi. I also buy some breaded chicken for her, intending to take off most of the coating, but it seems stuck somehow and so I have no choice but to give it to her. But its made from real chicken, you can see by the texture and the way it tears and however they have been cooked, they are nice and dry, not at all greasy. And she ate so well over the weekend its not so bad once in a while.

I make her a veggie omelette for tea which disappears in seconds, even though I'm not as good at making them as DH.

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