Tuesday 12 June 2007

still no to mince

My choice today so I went through the freezer and found loads of 'bits' of spag bol. Put them all in the same saucepan for tea. After all we need to defrost both the freezers so its good to start running them down.

Unfortunately Naomi decided it was STILL the food of the devil and refused to eat it after one mouthful that identified what it was. That said she didn't eat much at all. I gave her gnocchi in cheese sauce which should have been devoured in seconds but wasn't. She didn't want pudding either. She slept through the night though. Maybe she was just tired out. She woke up early and dozed on and off for a few hours and then when I went to wake her during her nap so we could go out to a special music group she was already awake.

But she and Luke loved the music time. Now she is crawling it is SO much fun. She goes off and gets a percussion instrument and can stand up to play or shake something. She is SO cute!

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