Friday 8 June 2007

more rice and a fruit success!

Yesterday Luke asked for chicken pesto but it was too late to cook it as it takes 90 mins to prep and cook. So I said I would do it today. Both children absolutely love it and its so easy.

Basically you put enough chicken for 4 people in a dish (roasting tin or something like a lasagne dish) and add a chopped onion, chopped mushrooms, a bit of pepper or any other veg you fancy. Then 6oz of rice, 2oz of raisins, 1pt of chicken stock and a 190g jar of pesto. Cook at 180 degrees for an hour or until all the liquid is absorbed. Taste the rice. If its still a bit chewy - brown rice might be - cover with foil so the top doesn't burn. Make sure you put the chicken in the dish first because any rice trapped underneath won't cook. Thigh & drumstick meat comes out really really soft and unctious but breast is fine too. Yum yum.

For pudding all this week we've been having strawberries as we all enjoy them. This morning, while shopping, I grabbed some blueberries too and I decided to give Naomi one. Well, it went in and didn't come out. So I put another one on her tray and she ate that. In total she must have had about TEN. Yes TEN blueberries! Regular readers will know this is something unheard of so I am absolutely delighted.

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