Saturday 9 June 2007

Naomi's first pasta

We have my husband's brother staying the night as he is over from Spain on holiday. As DH has been away all week we were going to go out anyway and don't change our plans. So teatime finds us in Pizza Express, Luke's absolute favourite. As usual we decide to feed Naomi a combination from our plates so DH has his favourite pizza and I decide to have pasta. I usually have cannelloni but Naomi's pasta issues have all been to do with chewing and even though she has cut her top 2 front teeth and they have come through incredibly quickly, I settle on the tortellini. It promises to come in a ham, mushroom & cream sauce which I know she will love as she's had similar a number of times in our favourite pub.

The tortellini are large bite size in Naomi's terms and I put a couple on her plate after they have cooled. In they go and they do not reappear! This is wonderful news. I have longed for Naomi to eat pasta because its such a staple in our diet and its yummy. Italy is one of my favourite places and I really want to take the children there.

So she has bits of DH's pizza, bits of Luke's and more and more pasta. Yahoo! Obviously it is baked pasta and so I might need to think of doing some of our dishes along these lines for a little while but it bodes SO well.

Maybe her first birthday did bring a sea change after all, although her sleeping through has gone to pot a bit. Can't decide if its teeth, the weather or something else we cannot yet diagnose. C'est la vie. IT WILL PASS!

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