Wednesday 13 June 2007

WOW - more new stuff

Dh let me know in advance, rarely happens!, that he was going to be late home from work so I decided we would eat later and the kids could have fish fingers. I fried them as it was quicker than the oven although I wouldn't do that all the time as they are more greasy. But 2 still got devoured in very short time. With potatoes & carrot and, WOW, sweetcorn! I had cooked it and peas for Luke so thought I would try Naomi with them. The pea's reception was lukewarm but the sweetcorn was going down as if it were blueberries like last week. I guess because it lives up to its name!

And she allowed a few pieces of the pineapple that Luke was having for pudding also. It was in syrup because that's all I could get at the time but at least she ate it!

I was beginning to wonder as she didn't eat very much breakfast, having not had all that much dinner last night, but she wolfed Laughing Cow cheese & cucumber sandwiches for lunch so I guess she knows what she is doing and we just have to go along with it!

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