Wednesday 6 June 2007

baking day

Tomorrow is Cake Sale Day at ds's school. They are raising money to build another rain shelter in the playground and all sorts of events have already gone on, this being the latest. DH is usually the baker in this house & loves having Luke to help. But there is no time for that this week and so I have to get my pinny on. We make raisin biscuits as its a really easy recipe and I can't make anything for which I don't have the ingredients because Naomi is sleeping and so I can't leave the house. So it's actually a recipe for chocolate chip cookies but I know that DH has doctored it before. We still taste 'just to check'.

So at the same time we make another bacon & egg loaf. It is a big favourite and I only have a couple of slices left in the freezer anyway. Naomi would eat a whole loaf if I let her!

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