Tuesday 1 May 2007


I was making another bacon & egg loaf today since its so easy and it seemed silly to use up the freezer stock when Naomi was napping and Luke & I could have fun in the kitchen together. And so I decided to put some sweetcorn in it. Peas & sweetcorn on their own are really quite difficult for children as there's nothing really to bite down on and a lot of kids don't like the texture of the skin. But being held together in the context of the loaf seemed to make sense.

Went down alright! She didn't notice, as was expected. Although she didn't eat as much as I would have liked because I served hers with gnocchi so that Luke could have the rarity of proper oven chips (we eat a lot of home-made wedges) and I made the mistake of putting the gnocchi where she could see them. She is gnocchi mad and I usually hide them until she has made good progress on whatever else I've given her for dinner.

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