Wednesday 2 May 2007

mixed success with fruit

We are still really struggling to get Naomi to eat proper fruit. Bananas and strawberries are all she will countenance. I tried a piece of apple again tonight as Luke was eating one and she was pointing at it and vocalising strongly (!) But *sigh* no go as usual. Even when I started eating the remainder of the one I had cut up for her and she was pointing at it also.

But I did manage to get her to eat pureed pear (admittedly out of a jar) mixed in with some natural yogurt. We are trying, as we did with her brother, to wean her off Petit Filous and onto 'proper' yogurt with fruit in it. He's a real addict of frozen berries warmed up and served with natural yogurt & sprinkled cinnamon, yum yum. But she's been wise to our plan up till now.... So I was really pleased when not only did it go down, quickly and in quantity, but she was going 'yum yum' at it too! I wish I could capture that sound in a photo.

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