Tuesday, 30 January 2007

BLW versus other principles

I don't think its any secret that I struggle with BLW. It goes against everything I thought I knew about feeding children and what worked so easily with my ds. So that's a big thing I have to get my head around to start with.

And then there's the issue that in order to give Naomi a wide variety of fruit & veg I come up against my other principles. We shop organically wherever possible and like to do this through a company that delivers to the door. Where they bring in produce from overseas they always ship rather than air freight to reduce the impact on the environment and they try, wherever possible, to send UK-sourced food.

I also believe in sourcing locally and in season and yet this conflicts hugely with BLW since there are only so many root vegetable dishes you can make in the winter! Yesterday I bought plums, apricots and mango in an attempt to vary Naomi's diet somewhat but these are from Argentina and New Zealand.

Not sure how I'm going to resolve this one. Might just have to accept that Naomi's needs have to win out for the moment and reign it in later.

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