Sunday, 21 January 2007

not much doing

Naomi has had a tummy bug since I last posted and is not really interested in milk let alone anything else. She was eager for bread yesterday lunchtime but didn't want cheesy potato for her tea. We're having roast chicken today, which she loves, so I'm hoping to tempt her with a few morsels.

She's perkier in herself than she has been for a couple of days and is still sleeping well so I'm hoping normal service will be resumed shortly. Although that means back to finding new and innovative ways of getting food into her! Might have to have a chat with my HV and see if she has any suggestions. A fellow BLW has a finger food book and I remember getting one from the library with Luke because he wouldn't eat anything himself. Shall have to have another look - how different can two children raised in the same family be?!

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