Wednesday 31 January 2007

more experimenting

Another fairly good day in the Naomi-led ;-) household. Her appetite is definitely back which is fantastic although it is then challenging to get enough food into her. She's not back to sleeping through the night unfortunately. Just doesn't seem to have my sleep gene ha ha.

This evening I decided to cook Lancashire hotpot. Saw it on the telly the other day and thought yum yum. And red meat has iron in it, really important when you can't get your child to eat spinach! It was really lovely and Naomi didn't turn her nose up at it which was a relief. The lamb was so succulent and tender. But the big problem is that BLW takes sooooooooooo long. So some of the bits of lamb got cold and then they aren't half as palatable. She was still trying to eat them though, so I resorted to pushing them into bits of potato which made it much easier for her to handle.

Mango, however, is a different story. Definitely not impressed at lunchtime. Not sure if it was the taste or the texture or maybe she was just full of toast & dairylea. She had a WHOLE slice. But she did find room for a yogurt having refused the mango so maybe not. Will try again in a couple of days. I bought some frozen raspberries the other day so will get some of those out to defrost for her lunch tomorrow.

She's not into grapes either. We popped round to see a friend yesterday and her 18 month old was having some and really wanted to share them with Naomi. Another lack of teeth issue me thinks. Although, the way its going, it won't be for long.

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