Tuesday 30 January 2007

gnocchi gnocchi ..... who's there!

I know, I know, lame joke! But another resounding success.

I bought these yesterday coz DH & I really like them and also I thought they would work better than pasta because they are potato based and so go really soft. And she loved them. They take 2-3 minutes to cook and you know they are done when they float to the top of the water, none of this 'is or isn't it al dente' business. Accompanied, as ever, by carrot, broccoli & cauliflower sticks. She also happily took the vegetable sauce my friend had made for her daughter who didn't want the spaghetti bolognaise the rest of us were having.

I also managed to chop tomato really finely and press it into the philly I spread on her lunchtime sandwich so I'm feeling a lot better about fruit & veg today. She still only ate a banana, refusing kiwi fruit and orange segments beforehand so its not that she was full. Maybe she distrusts green things but she will eat broccoli ...........

Ah well, for today I shall not worry.

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