Monday, 29 January 2007

hurray hurray a much much better day

A long time coming it feels like but Naomi had a great day today foodwise. I'm SO relieved!

Breakfast was Weetabix & apple puree. She's always starving at breakfast even though she had 5oz of milk in the night, so I can guarantee she'll make a good start to the day unless she's feeling totally beyond the pale.

For lunch I gave her leftovers from yesterday. Potato, chicken, broccoli, carrot. It just kept on going down and down and down. Accompanied by her enjoyment grunts! I gave her Petit Filous for pudding. I know this isn't BLW as I give it to her off a spoon but we did start weaning her with purees so there are certain limited things she'll accept this way still.

Spurred on by Saturday Kitchen from the weekend and other BLW experts, I decided to do her a 2-egg omlette for her tea. Luke & I were having jacket potatoes and so I cooked up some bacon and mushroom to go with them and added this mixture and some grated cheese to the egg & milk. It looked so yummy I was looking forward to eating most of it since I thought she was bound to reject it. That 'I know Mummy's slaved over this so I'll not eat a bit' mentality!

But no, I got just the soggy bits that she squashed on the highchair tray and couldn't pick up again. I'm astounded but hugely pleased. This means I can now get a large variety of things into her as long as I chop them up small enough not to impact against the egg. I need to experiment with the consistency a little so its a bit firmer for her to pick up. I think I was a bit scared of burning it. So some of it I had to put into her mouth. Again I know this is contrary to true BLW but I only did while I could see she was still reaching for the food and trying to pick it up. Her pincer grip is really coming along well so with more leftover carrot sticks she made an excellent meal and still demolished a small banana.

My daughter is back to having hollow legs whoopeeeeeee!

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