Sunday 28 January 2007

getting back to normal

Naomi seems much keener on food today which is greatly pleasing, we've been really quite worried about her. Every little thing seems to throw her off balance. But she wolfed her porridge & raisins this morning followed by a small bottle. She did really well at church and then had a 2hr nap after her mid-morning bottle. Wow wow wow!

As posted yesterday we had roast chicken et al as we had lunch guests. Naomi happily munched her way through several roast potatoes, some lean chicken, broccoli & carrots. Looked very pleased with herself the entire way through.

Tea was some bread & philly. She ate hers AND some of mine! And then had about 3/4 of a banana as well.

Big sighs of relief all round. And I have some veg left over for the fridge. DH forgot to buy lasagne sheets on the online shop on Friday (I was out for the evening before any asks why I didn't just do it myself!) so have to get some of these to make the mushroom ravioli I want to try out on Naomi. I have dried ones which I will try cooking to soften up but I'm not sure they will work. They don't make good canneloni when done like that so watch this space..........

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