Tuesday 16 January 2007

life's too short to stuff a mushroom

But not it appears, to peel clementine segments!! Naomi so enjoyed these yesterday I thought I'd offer her more for pudding this evening. However the skin was more troubling today so I decided, lightbulb moment, we'll peel them. After all, other people do. Sooooooooooooo difficult though! Maybe if I ate prawns and therefore shelled those on a regular basis I'd have had more luck. They really didn't resemble segments at all by the time I'd finished. But Naomi still loved them. When she's in seventh heaven she squeezes her fists together tight and rocks back and forth really excitedly. Its so fun to watch! She had her first kiwi fruit today and that got the same wonderful reaction. That's when the struggle to do this is really worthwhile.

Today wasn't such a good day. Luke was at preschool and these days are difficult because her natural lunch times falls at exactly the time I have to go and collect him. So she either has to eat early, when she's not really ready, or a bit later when she's yelling for it and so I have to get it ready as quick as possible. This can also throw out her nap(s) and make everything a bit of a disaster. So I cheated and gave her a bottle of milk for lunch as we got invited out at the last minute. We've not been doing lunch for very long so she didn't really care. But it did depress me somewhat because its not the real plan.

One of my big problems with BLW is that a lot of the things that we eat as a family aren't that child friendly. We eat a lot of sauce-y things - chilli, spaghetti bolognaise, that kind of thing. So I've got to work out ways of adapting these for Naomi. My husband gets home in time for he, I and our son to eat together and we don't really want to change this. We think this is really important for our family and have been doing it since Luke was not much more than a year old.

But my son's favourite meal is sausage, beans and chips and we also have quiche as an emergency 'short of time' standby, neither of which I want to give Naomi yet. But neither do I want to cook her something completely different a lot of the time. Somehow the other BLW mums I've come across are just so much more organized than me. They must live in parallel universes that give them an extra 8 hours in the day or something!

Tonight we had jacket potatoes so I mixed some home-made hummous (chick peas whizzed up with formula milk) into Naomi's and fed this to her off a spoon in the traditional way and then gave her baked butternut squash to eat in her fingers. She really enjoyed the latter from the faces she was making and the grunting! Its a shame I cut it too thin and baked it for too long though as it was a lot of skin and not much else. But she was able to suck out what flesh there was. There should have been baked carrots too but I cut those FAR too thin - more like burnt crisps lol. Will know better next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have given George baked potato's cut up into 6ths and he has then eaten the soft bit & left the skin. As I am trying to feed him up I put grated cheese or butter on too?



Mel x