Oh to be able to employ a chef! I just hate it when mid-afternoon rolls round and thoughts turn to dinner. Quite why I hate it so much I don't know but it would be glorious to have a good looking man [ ;-) ] present me with a menu and then cook my choice from it. What bliss.
Ah well, dream over! Another good day today though. More porridge than usual for breakfast, she'll be having as much as her big brother at this rate. With lots of banana mashed into it.
For lunch I remembered, hurrah, that she will eat grated cheese & apple sandwiches - great way to sneak in some fresh fruit! - so she ate two slices of bread with this as the filling. And then a Petit Filous yogurt. Did some googling because on Naomi's birth board a little while ago there was an outcry about yogurts that contain cochineal. Some people didn't know what it was and then found out. And I've been a bit concerned that PF contains locust bean gum. But this turns out to be something you tap out of a carob tree. Phew.
I'd been shopping this afternoon for bits and pieces so in a fit of despair and frustration I cooked them fresh pasta ravioli. Since I meant to make my own and hugely failed last month. This had bacon & chicken for a filling and I gave Luke some tomato sauce but Naomi had hers naked. She usually has a problem with pasta but once I trimmed off the spare corners she did really really well. I was amazed. She had it with the traditional broccoli and carrot - memo to self, MUST find some more vegetables that she will eat.
She was pretty full after that but had some apple & blueberry jar for pudding. I do beat myself up regularly about not making my own fruit puree anymore but I remember a friend whose daughter would not eat any main course jar, even in an emergency. Therefore, she said, that seeing as she had to cook all that for her, she wasn't going to get despondent about jars of pudding. I am trying to do the same. And they do such lovely combinations. You could use the apple one as sauce to go with roast pork ha ha.