Friday 16 March 2007

hollow legs?......

I swear my daughter must have hollow legs. Or, more likely, an ever expanding tummy & thighs. Hope she doesn't blame it on me when she's a teenager if she still has them lol.

Huge amount of porridge & fruit puree disappeared for breakfast and only 2 hrs later she drank 7oz of milk! Lunch was a hummous and tomato sandwich on brown bread. We try not to give her too much brown as it fills children up too quickly but neither do we want them to eat all white. She had 2 whole slices with filling and then more melon. She ate more of it than yesterday, very proud of using her little fork!

Dinner was salmon with her daddy & brother. I don't like fish so I had honey & mustard chicken, but she was wolfing it down. It was only her 2nd try of salmon and she was a bit ambivalent last time but she often is about new things. Accompanied by the *usual* carrot, broccoli & potato. Sigh, we're not very adventurous poor love. But her first tooth is definitely on the way, I can really see it in the gum. And that's going to change a lot of things for the better I'm sure.

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