Tuesday, 13 March 2007

going great guns!

I really don't want to tempt fate by posting ha ha but Naomi has eaten really well the last two days. Long may it continue! She is having either weetabix or porridge for breakfast, with added fruit, and she will happily accept this off a spoon, funny minx. As she slept through again the last two nights I conclude that she is very hungry and so not in any mood to be difficult.

Lunch is very much sandwich based. I really need to find some new ideas otherwise she's in danger of having 3 wheat meals a day, which I really tried to avoid with Luke. But she's anti so much fruit and veg that its difficult. We do have a wide variety of spreads/fillings though. Today she had ham and Port Salut cheese which she, like the rest of us, absolutely adores!

We had quiche for dinner last night with home-made wedges & veg so I gave her one of the ones I made specially. Its so cute to see her with a slice of that in one hand and half a potato in the other.

Tonight we were having lasagne. She doesn't much care for the texture of mince but did consent to eat a couple of spoonfuls so that's a result. Before I put the mustard in the cheese sauce I put some to one side for her so she had a kind of vegetable fondue medley with gnocchi on the side.

And she still polished off 3 bottles as well today. The last 2 days she's dropped her afternoon bottle because of her sleeping pattern when out and about but we were back to normal so she's had 3x6oz. I'm not surprised she weighed 17lbs 14.5oz (8.12kg) when the Health Visitor came today. She has a right chubby tummy on her! If it carries on I'm going to have to go up to 12-18 month clothes for the waist room.

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