Wednesday 7 March 2007

normal service is resumed!

I know I haven't posted for absolutely ages! We've all been ill, me the most - 10 days in bed unable to sleep or eat. So its been very ad hoc and I really couldn't tell you what Naomi has been eating coz I've been so out of it.

But we are all nicely on the mend. Naomi has even slept through the last 3 nights, woohoo! Had a big success at the weekend with a lamb casserole. Went and bought proper neck of lamb chops from the butcher and tried to make it like my dad does. So just root veg, no pepper or mushrooms or weird stuff like that. And it was so yummy! Twice cooked for extra flavour and so you can remove much of the lamb fat, the meat was just falling apart. Made it very very easy for Naomi and she really liked the sweetness of very soft carrot. And her first peas!

So she's had 2 lots of lamb this week as there was only a small amount of leftovers. She's also continuing to munch her way through the mini pies and quiches that I made. We had spaghetti bolognaise but not only can she not manage pasta - we often use gnocchi - she really doesn't like the texture of mince. Proper meat she's absolutely fine with so I guess we'll just persevere with that and keep trying her on mince from time to time as she gets older.

She also had some strawberries at a friend's house. OK, so most of it went on her trousers! but I can quite see that when she finally has some teeth to chew them with they could be a big hit. Maybe she's taking after me, I'm much more of a summer fruit & berries person.

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