Sunday 18 March 2007

roast roast roast

Like her big brother (and her parents ha ha) Naomi absolutely loves a roast dinner. This is good because they are easy to cook and you can have leftovers of meat for the following few days. I find that this meat is so much more tender than, say, a chicken breast. So we all get to indulge.

And today we didn't even have to cook it ourselves! We went to see DH's sister as she had a second son a month ago and we've not been able to see him yet because we were all so ill. Her husband had cooked absolutely yummy yummy roast pork which went down very well. I had talked about BLW to my SIL before but they'd not seen it in action. There were we all munching and so was Naomi at the corner of the table, pork in one hand, roast potato in another and she'd have had her nose down in the waiting carrot if she'd had half a chance. It was so lovely.

She's been ravenous all day, this growth spurt is just going on and on and on. But, as DH pointed out, she's been ill for so much of the last few weeks she had a lot to catch up on.

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