Thursday 15 March 2007

new tastes!

Well both kids are now eating us out of house and home! I really hope Naomi is growing lengthwise as well as a chubby tummy and thighs lol ! We'll get her measured in April when she next sees the paediatrician. She ate one and a half weetabix for breakfast with added banana. There was me telling Daddy to persevere as the bowl wasn't empty and I know how much porridge she gets through and he said 'its her second one'. Wow.

Following on from someone's advice I bought a melon yesterday and we gave her some after lunch. Much to my surprise, given her opinions on fruit, she was very keen. We gave her a little moon shape and she tried to eat the skin bit so then we cut it off that and put it onto her fork. She is so proud of eating like a proper person. So will try more tomorrow.

And then, tonight, DH had cooked chinese chicken with noodles. He cooked her veg separately just in case but the chicken came out of the wok and she ate four large strips. The noodles were funny though, she shook them as if they were a worm and she a bird ha ha! So we twirled them like you would spaghetti and this gave her a much better purchase on them with her gums. Her front bottom tooth is definitely coming though so who knows where we will be when it does. She also ate some mushroom for the first time and that was a big hit too. Yahay!

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