Saturday 2 June 2007

weekend downtime

Dh is going to be very very busy work wise the next two weeks so we decided to try and potter today whilst getting stuff done. I had a lie in, lovely!, while DH & the kids breakfasted on the patio. Porridge & banana were, as usual, made short work of. Then we went and bought DH some new running shoes in a nearby village before heading back into town.

This took us up to lunchtime so we went to Costa Coffee and Naomi munched her way through half a pack of egg mayo sandwich and half a pack of tuna mayo. They had no highchairs so she remained in her pushchair, eating SO daintily. Hardly any of it went anywhere except her mouth, even though she kept kicking against the retainer bar so that she slumped down. Looked more like a teenager reclining on a sofa ha ha.

For dinner DH made chicken goujons. Strangely enough Naomi only ate one, albeit a decent sized one, and refused the others. Maybe she didn't like the coating, I'm not sure. They were yummy though! Strawberries for pudding are never refused, unlike the raspberry we again tried her with. Straight in and straight OUT again! I am determined to keep going though. She refused strawbs the first few times we gave them to her and now she inhales them whole. We'll put some in her breakfast tomorrow so that she can have another taste mixed in with something she does like.

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