Friday, 30 March 2007

went to the pub again

People will think we are terrible parents, taking our kids to the pub quite a bit. But I just love the freedom of being able to take the children out knowing that there will be something good that we can feed them. We've recently discovered a nice pub not too far away - regular readers will remember the post about taking the kids for roast lamb when DH was away for the weekend. So because he worked yesterday, when he normally doesn't on Friday, and we are still being decorated, we decided to be decadent.

I had chicken breast in an asparagus, bacon & cream sauce with crushed new potatoes and seasonal veg (leek, carrot, courgette). So that was Naomi sorted really well. She was loving it ALL. And Dh had gammon ham, egg & chips so we gave her some of his ham too. She didn't get the lemon tart or Luke's strawberry ice-cream though. I didn't get that carried away!

She's still munching porridge for breakfast and a sandwich of some kind for her lunch.

1 comment:

Em said...

hey pub is good - Billy just had mini sunday lunch out. I find that if i ask for particular foods for him i generally get them